This sin is one of 3 worst sins for a jew. For non jews it is encouraged to guard from it, though eternal life is guaranteed if you follow these basic laws. It is time that we all usher or merit the era of Moshiach, where G-d will be One, and His Name will be One.
Wasting seed is the main teshuva of our generation. It is the hardest to fix, but the one may well usher the new era of Moshiach, an era where G-d presence will be felt and known. Also it is a key factor if a jew lives for eternity, or dies forever after this world.
In this world, while the
Meditate about the reality of the situation. Music, like breathing is an spiritual enhancer to meditation, connection with reality, connection with G-d
The eyes are the main point of entry of the evil forces to influence your soul. Guarding them guarantees you are less likely to be overpowered. Try as well as its principles for the strugle or for the addiction. Consider a good dns filter for internet access too.
Fixing your soul goes deeper than just stop wasting seed. Fixing your soul is fixing your habits, understanding of why and what is you want to fix. Try
Based on Rambam, Rabbi Yaron Reuven explains how emptiness leads to evil
forces filling the void. Studying Torah at your highest level daily two hours straight for ninety days
may assist you like you never felt before.
Good Torah books can be found in
Mindful heartly prayer is always necessary to connect with the Almighty and also to open the channels that bring down blessings for us and for all around us. "Treat His will as if it were your will, so that He will treat your will as if it were His will." (Pirkei Avot 2,4)
"It is only in this world that man can work and earn reward. The World to Come is solely for receiving the rewards of the deeds performed during one's earthly life" (Radak)
"For a man enters the world only for this purpose - to achieve this closeness by rescuing his soul from all the deterrents to it and from all that detracts from it." (Ramchal - The Path of the Just)
Betzlacha in your avodat Hashem, we all root for you.
When it comes to spiritual goals, a strong will and determination together with prayer and action are the steps garanteed to succeed. Thinking always positive is the way to stay on the track of its way.